Originally from Tennessee, Susan Weeks has lived in New Mexico since 1980. Before becoming a full-time painter, Susan was a teacher, a librarian, and a lawyer. An award winning watercolorist who has participated in numerous juried shows, Susan is a signature member of the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies and the New Mexico Watercolor Society. Her watercolors are painted in a hyper-realistic style and in an experimental one, with subjects that come from Susan’s travels or that simply strike her fancy. Susan has exhibited her artwork at the New Mexico Arts and Crafts Fair, the Weems Artfest, the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Spring Show, the New Mexico Watercolor Society exhibitions, and the Albuquerque Museum’s Miniatures & More Exhibition. She is represented by Patrician Design in Albuquerque.
Artist’s Statement
I paint to capture the excitement of something I have seen or imagined. I think of painting as a visual language. This language allows me to travel to the edges of my own ability and take creative leaps.
I use traditional watercolor layering techniques. In the past couple of years, I have become more experimental with my work, departing from photorealism and embracing a more intuitive style. My colors are brighter these days, my subjects more whimsical, and my process more playful.
I take pleasure in creating a tension between the recognizable and the abstract.