Award-winning watercolorist Susan Weeks uses her love of rich and spicy hot chocolate as a jumping off point for the poems and paintings in her Demitasse Point of Departure series. Her process is unique. After savoring the food Ms. Weeks considers to be at the top of her pyramid, she studies the images remaining in the chocolate residue inside her demitasse and writes a poem. Next, she draws the scenes she sees in her cup on her watercolor paper and transforms them into the imaginative worlds of her paintings. Click on these images to enter the fantastic places where whimsy and play rule. Sit down, sip some hot chocolate, and enjoy.
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A beautifully printed 12″ x 12″ art and poetry book containing 17 paintings and poems, and one hot chocolate recipe from the series Demitasse: Point of Departure. This book won the New Mexico-Arizona Book Award for Poetry, New Mexico, for 2023.

To try some of the hot chocolate that inspired this series, make yourself some with this recipe.